Dear Gang,
While those of us in the screenwriting program have libraries full of screenwriting books, I thought those of you on the animation side and elsewhere might enjoy some titles I have enjoyed:
From UCLA Faculty:
Essentials of Screenwriting by Richard Walter
Writing Screenplays that Sell the Ackerman Way by Hal Ackerman
Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434 by Lew Hunter
Former UCLA Faculty:
Re-write by Paul Chitlik (it's a great intro to basics, not only re-writing.)
Story by Robert McKee
Save the Cat by Blake Snyder
Writing for Emotional Impact by Karl Iglasias
Screenplay: Writing the Picture by Robin Russin and William Downs
Writing the Character Centered Screenplay by Andy Horton
Writing Screenplays that Sell by Michael Hague
While these books are not the only books out there, they are all excellent. I suggest that you go to Amazon and read what is said about them to see which is the best fit for your personal tastes/objectives. Likewise, I am happy to answer any questions you have on them.
Enjoy, Bob