Sunday, October 30, 2011

combination of gameplay/story telling

this is an issue i have been thinking for a long time.
for game designers, how are we going to combine gameplay and narration together? (not including traditional RPG, but action/adventure games or action RPGs - like Kingdom Hearts)

Some developers' solutions are limiting narration and use least amount of words -
like team ICO's work - ICO, Shadow of colossus,

other developers choose to use a lot texts in the game to give instructions to players so that those stories won'r distract players from focusing on playing: like Zero: Red Butterfly(probably only has japanese version), Resident Evil(have Wesker's side story as a clue), or Silent Hill.

and like Metal Gear Solid series - I bet it has the longest cinematic scenes ever - but the transition between gameplay and cinematic scenes are really smooth - especially in MGS4 - as they finally could load new content to memory while you are playing.

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